Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lunch Time !

Today's lunch:
Peanut butter and jelly on 100% whole wheat bread
Triscuit crackers and Laughing Cow cheese
Carrots with ranch dip
Fresh pineapple
A few mini oreos for a treat (hey, I am 9 months pregnant, haha)

So I bought a super cool new lunch box called a Goodbyn. I saw them at Whole Foods and then decided to buy one online. You can check them out at . I bought mine on Amazon because it was cheaper with shipping. The goal of this lunch box is to reduce the amount of plastic baggies you use every day, as well as the amount of little containers and lids you have to wash. It also encourages me to pack a healthy lunch instead of being tempted to order out or eat at school. It comes with an 8oz bottle which I haven't used yet. It also comes with stickers to decorate with, which I know is kind of childish but I don't care, I work in an elementary school; I can carry a lime green lunchbox with kiddie stickers if I want. At least I am eating healthy !

So here is Goodbyn lunch #1, which also happens to be the first day of school.

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