Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hola Mexico!

Whenever I travel (which is not as often as I'd like) I love learning about the food they eat and learning about how they do things differently than we do. This picture is from a store in Cozumel called "Chedraui" which is alot like Walmart here. What do you notice about these pastries here? Mexico has a whole different concept of sanitation than we do. Breads and sweets just sit out in the open like this and you just go and pick what you want. Yes, you could touch them all before choosing and no one would stop you. Other things we normally would find in closed containers or bins are also just sitting out in the open. Yes I consumed my fair share of every Mexican pastry, cake, and cookie. Yes it had been sitting out in the open all day and yes, I am still alive to tell you about it. It's part of embracing the culture :-)

1 comment:

  1. We have a Mexican bakery in Asheville called La Espija (I think). It's amazing, and looks just like this. I could eat my weight in those fluffy pastry goodnesses!
